Sunday, March 22, 2009

Welcome! Learning to play poker? You're at the right place

This blog will be teaching you from the ground up how to play poker and the general flow of the game. I will then discuss intermediate strategy issues including categorizing players and offensive tactics. This will be followed by advanced play strategies including calculating odds and further discussion of advanced strategies including bluffing, tells, and defensive plays. I will then be discussing tournament structures and strategies for different stages of the game.

If you are new to the game of poker this is definitely the place to start from the beginning and develop your game beyond belief. Enter your email today in the subscribe box above to be automatically notified when I update this blog.

When I begin we will be discussing cash game poker games much like you will find many places including casinos, online poker sites, home games and in some places at local bars and or poker clubs. Are you planning on hosting your own game? Be sure to check out PokerMario's Poker Store for items such as poker chips, poker tables, playing cards, all kinds of poker related accessories and strategy books.

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