Friday, March 27, 2009

How to play poker - betting strategy - preflop hand selection

In this segment of how to play Texas Hold'em Poker will will dig right into betting. There are two ways to win hands in poker the first way is to play the best hand to a showdown the other way is to bet and make your opponent fold. This bring us to the power of betting. Be a tight poker player. Play the best hands from every position. These hands include AA KK QQ AK JJ TT 99 88 77 and AQ.
I recommend that when you are the first person to enter a pot you make a raise. Two and a half to three times the blind is a good amount to raise. This will always vary based on how your opponents are playing. I often find that against tighter players a smaller bet is more likely to be called. Against loose players you may want to raise a little more as this will help you get more value out of your good hands.
When you are in early position, either of the first two players to act, I recommend you play only these top hands, because there is a good possibility that someone may have another very strong hand after you. As you move around the table and get a chance to act later on subsequent betting rounds you will gain an advantage in the hand. Poker is a game of incomplete information. If you get to act later in the betting you will have more information about what moves your opponents are going to make. I have created a custom poker starting hand chart for your download. This is printable and is allowed for use in most casinos as well as online while you are playing at your computer. This chart is color coded based on your position at the table. As you go later in position the more hands can be raised for value.
Be sure to print this chart and keep it nearby while you are learning. This chart represents the hands that I recommend you open a pot with. If the pot has been opened you need to adjust your calling hands to only hands that you feel are beating you opponents opening hand range based on their player type and your 'read' on the situation.
If you have a top hand and someone acting before you raises I recommend that you re-raise the pot. If you are going to re-raise I always recommend that you bet enough to allow your opponent to fold. Doubling their bet is a sure way to bring you opponent into the hand and may allow them to get involved in a situation where you may lose a lot of chips if they make a hand. This is why I always re-raise three times my opponents bet or more if I feel they are a very loose player.
I hope this chart helps you out with your poker play just remember it takes a better hand to call a raise than it does to take a bet. Play position on your opponents. Remember acting after them gives you more information on the strength of their hand. Use that information to make your decisions easier. Good luck on the felt.

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